- What type of connection do you have?
Cable modem
Dial-up modem
LAN (at company, school)
- How long have you been on the Internet?
Less than six months
Six months to one year
One to three years
More than three years
- How often do you go on the Internet?
Several times a day
Once or twice a day
Once or twice a week
Once or twice a month
Once in a while
- How much time a day do you spend online?
Less than one hour
One to two hours
Two to five hours
Five to eight hours
Eight or more hours
- Does talking to others online help you feel better about yourself?
I don't know
- Did you come out on the Internet or on an online service before you did in "real life"?
- Has being online helped you to accept your sexual orientation?
No If you entered "No", proceed to Question 9)
I don't know (If you entered "I don't know", proceed to Question 9)
- Has being online been crucial to you accepting your sexual orientation?
I don't know
- How do you spend most of your time online (outside of work)?
Surfing the Web
Visiting specific Web sites (I know where I want to go before I go on)
Reading and sending email
Reading message boards
Downloading music or streaming video
- Have you ever met anyone in real life with whom you first developed a relationship on the Internet? (Check the response furthest down the list that applies)
Yes, purely as friends
Yes, with the hope that we might become more than friends
Yes, specifically to have sex
- Which, if any, describe the reasons you chat on the Internet? (Check all that apply)
To find a date
To chat with friends
To have net sex
To get support
To meet someone and make arrangements to have sex
To meet new friends
I don't regularly go into chat rooms