- At what age were you first aware that you might be queer?
- At what age did you first accept your sexual orientation? (If you have not yet accepted it, enter zero)
- Using the following scale, pick the point which best states how you would describe your gender expression.
I am very masculine
I am masculine
I am somewhat masculine
I am androgynous, neither masculine nor feminine
I am somewhat feminine
I am feminine
I am very feminine
- Dr. Alfred C. Kinsey divided sexual orientation into seven groups in his landmark study of sexuality. Using the following scale, pick the point which best describes how you would describe your sexual attraction.
I am strongly attracted to members of the same sex and not attracted to members of the opposite sex
I am strongly attracted to members of the same sex and slightly attracted to members of the opposite sex
I am strongly attracted to members of the same sex and somewhat strongly attracted to members of the opposite sex
I am strongly attracted to members of both sexes
I am strongly attracted to members of the opposite sex and somewhat strongly attracted to members of the same sex
I am strongly attracted to members of the opposite sex and slightly attracted to members of the same sex
I am strongly attracted to members of the opposite sex and not attracted to members of the same sex
- How comfortable do you feel about being queer?
Very comfortable
Neither comfortable nor uncomfortable
Very uncomfortable
- Which of these terms, if any, do YOU like to use to describe yourself? (Check all that apply)
- Do you like to dress in clothes of the opposite gender?
- Have you told anyone that you are queer?
No (If you entered "No", proceed to Question 13)
- Who was the first person you told you were queer?
Brother or sister
My best friend
Friends outside of school or work
Friends at school
Friends at work
One or more teachers
A member of my military unit
Someone else
- How old were you when you told the first person that you were queer?
- Who have you ever told? (Check all that apply)
Father: How did he react? Very good Good OK Bad Very bad
Mother: How did she react? Very good Good OK Bad Very bad
Brother or sister: How did they react? Very good Good OK Bad Very bad
My best friend: How did they react? Very good Good OK Bad Very bad
Friends outside of school or work
Friends at school
One or more teachers
Friends at work
A member of my military unit
- Did you have to leave home after coming out?
Yes, my parents would not allow me to remain at home
Yes, it was too stressful to remain at home and I left of my own accord
No, but it is very hard and my parents have a hard time accepting my sexual orientation
No, it was hard at first but things are better now
No, my parents didn't have any problem with me being queer
No, my parents are not aware that I am queer so it is not an issue
No, I wasn't living at home at the time
Proceed to Question 16. The following questions pertain to those people who have not yet come out.
- Why haven't you told anyone that you are queer? (Check all that apply)
I'm scared of how my parents might react
The time just hasn't been right yet
I don't want to be queer, and hope that I might change
I think this might be a phase or I'm unsure if I really am queer
I want to wait until I am older
I want to wait until I move out of my parents' house
My parents seem to be very homophobic
My friends seem to be very homophobic
I want to wait until I go to college
I am afraid of losing my friends
I am afraid that my parents will kick me out of the house
I am afraid of how my friends might react
I am still coming to terms with being queer myself
- Do you want to tell someone that you are queer?
- Do you plan to tell someone that you are queer?
- Did you know that there are many more queer youth like you out there - more than 2.7 million queer teens in the U.S. alone?